TMNT Universe
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Why don't we...

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Why don't we... Empty Why don't we...

Post by Saber Raphael Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:29 pm

Why don't we make a section where Members can make request for their avatars or signatures....
or where we can post some of our avatars so that members can use.....
we could name it!!!'THE TMNT REQUESTS' or 'The Sewer Avatar and Signature request'
what do you think???
Why don't we... Admire2-onion-head-emoticon
Saber Raphael
Saber Raphael
Baby Turtle
Baby Turtle

Number of posts : 7
Age : 23
Favorite Turtle : Raphael
Favorite TMNT Movie : The Original Movie
Favorite TMNT Show : The Current Cartoon
Favorite TMNT Toy : Donatello
Favorite TMNT Video Game : TMNT video game!!!
TMNT Quote : 'Why do you have to tell me what to do??!!!'-Raphael
Registration date : 2014-09-01

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